The Phillips Academy (TPA) serves 6th to 12th grade students with special needs. We provide a calm, safe, and therapeutic environment for students with depression, anxiety, or other mood related disorders, for students with specific learning disabilities, for those with high functioning autism, and for those with ADHD or other learning challenges. Placement inquiries are initiated by public schools, pediatricians, mental health professionals, community agencies, or by parents directly.
In order to determine if The Phillips Academy is the right place for a student, the following steps are recommended:
Parents and other interested parties are invited to tour the program.
If the school district agrees to refer the student to The Phillips Academy, the student may visit the program for 1/2 to 2 full days of classes.
TPA staff, the student, and the family confer to determine whether the school appears to be a good fit for the student.
If so, the student is accepted and the placement is reviewed again after 30 days. By this time, assessments are completed, the student’s needs are better identified and the IEP team either solidifies the placement or makes other recommendations. Approximately 98% of initial 30-day placements are preserved.
All students attending The Phillips Academy have an individualized education plan (IEP). Tuition is covered by the student's referring school district. Specialized Services are provided as indicated in the student's IEP.