High School students are assessed to determine if they will be working toward a high school diploma or a certificate of completion. The IEP team makes this determination. Thus students may either follow an academic or a vocational curriculum.
Diploma Track High School Program: The Philips Academy high school course of study is based on California State Standards and corresponds to that of Alameda Unified School District, with exceptions to ensure that students meet the graduation requirements of their individual school districts. Upper level students are permitted to enroll in courses at the local community colleges to obtain additional credits in advanced classes and lab sciences. (Tutoring support is provided to assist students in these classes).
All high school students participate in career preparation and transition electives and many upperclassmen, under the guidance of our job coach, obtain work experience through district work-ability grants or through the Department of Rehabilitation. Upon graduation, students either attend community college, a vocational training program, or obtain employment.
Vocational High School Program: A functional academic and vocational program is provided for students seeking a Certificate of Completion. Students in this program complete academic classes in areas of strength and interest and/or complete functional math, reading, language arts, social skills, vocational skills, independent living and leisure skills, and work experience courses for 3-4 years. The sequence of classes is individualized based on the IEP goals of each student.
Subsequent to their completion of The Phillips Academy's vocational high school program, most students continue their education in district-run transition programs until the age of 22.
Electives: Students participate in electives, which meet twice weekly and change each semester. Elective choices include visual arts, ceramics, drama, recycled art, dance, social skills, gardening, cooking, yearbook, music, hiking, woodshop, and many more.
Athletics: Students rotate through different athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students may participate as members of The Phillips Academy sports team in the Bay Area NPS Sports League for basketball, flag football, softball, and soccer. Practices are twice a week with games and tournaments on Fridays.
Enrichment: The High School Program offers a range of student activities, including Spirit Week, Prom, service learning, game night, talent show and frequent field trips. Many of the field trips are related to students' career interests and provide students with additional information to guide them in their career choices.